Friday, February 28, 2020

Bussiness Econs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Bussiness Econs - Essay Example The changing market structure might call for changing strategies and lines of action that would all target the people for whom the product is actually designed as well as the competitors with whom the clutter is being broken in the environs of the marketplace. Thus competition brings in more and more quality at the end of the company with regards to its products as well as more sales in the form of its varied and changed stance on focusing towards the customers rather than the product itself. Apart from that, emphasis on need must be the order of the day rather than bringing out more and more varied stock key units just for the sake of it. The different products should satisfy each and every user rather than satisfy the people sitting in the innovation labs and those who invent just to take the company one step further. This trap should thus be avoided under all circumstances. Thus profits could come out in the middle when a company is the sole and dominant player in the whole market structure. Business professionals should keep in mind that the profits have to outnumber the losses in the longer scheme of the whole equation of carrying out a marketing activity. If this is not the case, then the business might not survive for long and the losses will lead it to simply nowhere at all. It is imperative to pinpoint the weak and grey areas and thus set out on a journey on the part of the marketer to tackle the very same and thus bring to light the positives out of the whole equation. Thus significance lies on the shoulders of the main person who has set the ball rolling as far as the business is concerned and it is up to him solely as to what he has in mind, with respect to the vision and mission of the business and the company for that matter. Every big business or multinational that is existent in present times credits itself on to the vision of an exemplary personality which started it all when the going was tough and when there was a huge competition in the related market. Thus to withstand pressure and competition is the hallmark of any successful and long lasting business, company or enterprise, whichever term we might quote it as. Therefore significance is laid on the fact that organizational structure impacts the manner in which work is basically carried out. More than anything else it adheres to the different purposes of the discrete services and the related achievements with the passage of time. This brings to light the notion of discussing the structural basis of the organizations themselves. For starters, these organizations might not be that easy to understand at the very beginning. These can encompass a variety of different aspects, features and traditional mindsets which make up their structures. To start with, we see that an organization can either be formally aligned in its ways and means of doing things and different processes or the same might just be in a way informal in quite a few of its activities and tasks. The manner in which it runs across this paradigm is something that needs to be studied in depth before we

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Business Ethics and Virtue Ethics 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Ethics and Virtue Ethics 3 SLP - Essay Example It is also seen in the fair representation of divergent views by respecting both merits and demerits. It encompasses such aspects as impartiality, fidelity and equity. Justice can always be viewed in various dimensions. In the context of harmony, justice refers to receiving an equivalent share depending on the efforts we place on an undertaking. In this respect justice is seen as a way of mitigating any misunderstanding that might arise out of inappropriate allocations. In another respect, justice emerges as a divine command that drives the conduct of humanity (Jost & Wuerth, 2011). For instance, killing somebody is wrong and should therefore be punished. It is therefore one of the moral principles that is normally intended to enhance peace and coexistence in the world. In virtue ethics, justice in this respect is quite important as a way of promoting the highest morals and principles (Gavai, 2010). In essence all the theories of justice advocate the fact that everyone should actuall y receive what they deserve in life. For instance things like wealth and social status should always be distributed in a way that matches the respective merits of individuals. More importantly, the distribution of wealth should always match the overall contribution of an individual to the social good (Hooft, 2006). The concept of justice is normally closely associated with an element of fairness in dealings. It connotes the impartial distribution of resources in a way that limits any cases of dissatisfaction. In this regard, everyone should have the liberty to enjoy all the basic rights accorded to humanity. Kindness is also one of the most important aspects in virtue ethics and refers to the condition of being kind and characterized by charitable and good behavior (Michalos, 2011). It is also seen as a way of showing concern and disposition for others. While kindness is essentially a virtue, it is normally recognized as a value in the context of religions and cultures. In any case, acts of kindness normally benefit both the receivers and the givers. To the giver, it is more about feeling a sense of contentment and relaxation out of doing well to others (Hendry, 2004). In most cases kindness is seen as the ability and willingness of helping someone in need not in return for anything. The basic concept here is the need to help the other person. Kindness as a virtue is certainly very important in all aspects of life. The element of being kind can greatly enable somebody to achieve a lot of respect and mileage in many situations. In this case, kindness is always encouraged in most cultures and religions as a ways of enhancing peace, harmony and coexistence among the various societies and communities in the world (Crisp & Slote, 2004). Honesty is also part of the moral character that is normally encouraged and highly regarded in life. The aspect of being honest connotes the attributes of integrity and truthfulness as opposed to deceit and telling lies. In this cas e, honesty encompasses straightforwardness without such aspects like theft or cheating. It is a way of encouraging people to always tell the truth since it is one of the ways of avoiding many vices in life. In an organizational setup, the element of virtue ethics is certainly very important in promoting business ethics and enhancing the proper coordination of